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Showing posts from July, 2020

Favorite Places - Lucky Goat Coffee - Tallahassee, FL

This place has only been working its way into my list of favorite places. I've lived in Tallahassee for about 2 years and its my go to place when I want a good cup of coffee or to get out of the apt and study or do work. I don't know too much about it but what I can't stress enough is the need for you all to stop in and get one of their cold brew brownies!!! I guess it was last summer, but I went in for a coffee and decided I wanted something sweet, so I got a brownie. My life was changed forever, LOL, this was one of the best brownies I have ever eaten. It was fudgy, it was chocolaty, I think the cold brew was in there like chocolate chips. I went back every single day for like a week and ha half before I made myself stop.  I like the Midtown location and I would also recommend the pistachio muffin, but that brownie....  Here is the link to their website:

Favorite Places - SunRay Cinema - Jacksonville, FL

Keeping on my last week trend of favorite places, SunRay Cinema absolutely qualifies. I lived in Jax before I came to school in Tallahassee and I can't tell you just how much I missed this movie theater. Its a small two screen venue located in the 5-points neighborhood. They show popular and indie films and have also has special events surrounding TV shows like The Walking Dead and American Horror Story where they have free showings, but you pay $9.99 in concessions. Easy to do when they make pizzas and sandwiches and have homemade Twinkies and Beer Milkshakes (sounds gross until you think about a chocolate milk stout as the beer!)  In response to Covid they have made it so that you can rent out a theater for private showings for your family and closest friends (I think up to 16 people...whatever the regulations are.) and they sterilize everything after. They have also created a new Drive-In option so people can find some outlet to being pent up in their homes. This theater is acti

Favorite Places - Halpatter Brewing Co. - Lake City, Fl

So on this last week of Blogging, I wanted to talk about some places that are my absolute favorite. The first is the local brewery here in Lake City, FL. It just celebrated its 3rd anniversary and it is just what this small town has needed.  Lake City is located at the crossing of I-75 and I-10 and is called the Florida Gateway. It has a community college, a mall, a super Walmart, a handful of restaurants and that's about it. Now it has a brewery and not only do they brew beer they brew really GOOD beer. I'm proud of them as a Lake City native and I can't recommend them more! In fact, I know that some of their beers are available in Tallahassee so when you are getting your growler filled look for Halpatter on tap and check them out! Here is there website: Here is an article that does a better job of talking about their origins than I could:

Hockey Season

Hockey season is starting up and I've decided that this is the year I start following it. My friends are from the Pittsburgh area I have watched a few Penguins games while at their house. So how do I go about choosing a team?  In Florida there are two NHL teams: The Florida Panthers and the Tampa Bay Lightning The Lightning are a really good team and Tampa is a bit easier to get to if I were going to go to see a game. However, it feels like jumping on the bandwagon to choose a team just because they've been winning.  I also really like the Panthers logo and jerseys.... This is a conundrum much like choosing a Premier League team to follow. I was going to support Tottenham, but with Pulisic playing for Chelsea that kind of changed my mind.   

Captain America

A long time ago, I used to work at the library of the local community college. It was a really cool job and I really enjoyed working there. The library was a popular hub and we regularly had events. The most popular one was the game night we would trow every semester. We'd have food and drinks and gaming stations set up all over the library. We had extra TV's that we would set up so people could bring in their own gaming consoles and it was just a really cool event. The clubs at the school were very active too. One club, the anime club, did this really cool thing. It got together and brought in all of their manga and graphic novels and donated them to the library, creating our highest circulating collection. It was a really cool thing to see. Anyway, ALL OF THAT to say I started to read graphic novels from the collection and got really in to them. One series that I am currently reading is the Ta-Nehisi Coates written Captain America series. Here is the blurb from Amazon: Acclai

Let's Get This BREAD!!!

So one of my interest have always been in cooking. Something I've been trying to learn to do is to make a sourdough starter. For some reason, I just can't manage to make one. The results have been horrific and the things of nightmare. I'm not planning on stopping, however I have found away around it.  It's called The No Knead Method and the baker who came up with it is named Jim Lahey. So when it came time to work on my produsage assignment for this class I decided I would create a resource where I could gather and present my resources on bread making. Hopefully others will find it interesting and helpful and they will add their own resources and attempts at making bread. If you are interested feel free to join the community here: For now enjoy this post about my attempt! So, as I mentioned I followed the No Knead Method. I started by gathering the ingredients. I have certain selected brands on the Pearl

Educating Digital Citizens

This week we looked at the concept of the digital citizen and were asked that in our roles as educators/instructional designers, if we viewed it as our collective responsibility to promote and develop our students as digital citizens and if we did believe that it was our responsibility, how should we go about it.  I have this some thought and looked t engage my classmates with this and felt that I do believe that it is part of our role as educators to include awareness of proper behaviors to be a good digital citizen in what we do. I think that this responsibility begins at home and that it is primarily the parents who should be distilling the proper character of citizenship IRL or in the digital space. However, I think that this continues on at school and that as educators it is our role to supplement these behaviors and to teach our students how to act professionally, how to communicate clearly, and be respectful in settings with diverse viewpoints. I think we do this in practice w

Another Random Obsession - BritComs

If I could truly explain my obsession with British Comedies I would, but you'll just have to settle for what I write here.  I. LOVE. THEM. It started when I was a kid and they would come on PBS on Saturday nights. I remember watching: Are You Being Served Fawlty Towers Keeping Up Appearances Waiting for God As Time Goes By These shows ranged from the 70's to the 90's and I would definitely not be considered their targeted audience as I was young and these focused on middle aged to elderly characters. It didn't matter that they were about older people or that the setting seemed dated or even that they reran episodes frequently because there were only 6 episodes in a season! I watched them religiously! Then as the internet became a thing and I got older and had money to purchase dvds,

The Culture of Connectivity - Jose Van Dijck - Chapter 7

This chapter focuses on Wikipedia. Wikipedia is much different from the other sites discussed in the book so far, however its inclusion in the top influential actors in the digital landscape is undeniable.  Wikipedia is a "professionally run, volunteer based, nonprofit organization whose goal is the online production of an encyclopedia" (p. 132). It's nonprofit status came about due to the creation and maintenance of the Wikimedia Foundation. The sites is founded on five basic principles, but she never actually lists those 5 principles, but says that neutrality is the most important of them and while the elements that measure the success of the encyclopedia also cause "disenchantment" for those who feel that the focus on neutrality and the bureaucratic structure limits the site. Van Dijck discuses the users of the site and states that crowd management is one of the sites biggest strengths. She points out that it is neither the specialists or the generalists that

Social Media and Learning

I think one of the things that has stuck with me most over this course is that Social Media lends itself to learning over education. Ironically though the platforms promote sociality, it is the individuals adventure as they seek out knowledge on topics that arise.  As someone who used to be a teacher and who is looking at the phenomenon of social media use in informal and formal learning in an effort to help develop policy for its use in schools this can sometime be frustrating. How do we create policy and encourage the use of something that has so many benefits to students development in their reading, communication, connections, and access in our schools if its success is seen in at the individual level? This article really got me thinking, so I thought I would share it here. Thoughts? Comments? Share!!!

The Culture of Connectivity - Jose Van Dijck - Chapter 6

In this chapter, Van Dijck focuses on YouTube. YouTube started with the intentions of being an alternative to broadcast television. Like Flickr, its origins and its present state do not function the same. Where it used to focus on user generated content, the user is considered more of a consumer now with the intention of watching rather than posting. However, YouTube introduced some new abilities that have had a lasting impact. YouTube introduced the idea of streamed content, the ability to upload video, and combined these with aspects of social networking! YouTube videos are rarely downloaded, viewers do not own the content, but they have access to view the material. Where YouTube differs from Flickr is that in its adaptions of the purpose and focus, Some of the original users of the platform were disgruntled by the changes, but the majority of users supported the change and embraced it as a part of their everyday lives, particularly with their capabilities of meshing almost seamlessl

Animal Crossing Summer Update!!!

I like many people have become obsessed with Animal Crossing: New Horizons. I've been a fan of the early versions of the game, but this one (probably due to quarantine) has been particularly fun. As a graduate student I can definitely say that I spend way more time on my island get away than I should considering the amount of work I have to do, but sometimes you need to take a break. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the game, here is a quick summary from my community norms project: "Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a game developed by Nintendo, for the Nintendo Switch gaming console. It was released on March 20, 2020 and has been wildly popular, including several celebrities and politicians like Elijah Wood, Chrissy Teigen, Guy Fieri, Stephen Fry, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (; Gilbert, 2020). The game has been so popular, particularly with the Coronavirus sweeping the planet, that the Nintendo Switch has been on backorder for a couple months (Barbosa,